Vision & Mission
In June, Lehigh Valley Christian High School Class of 2020 held their graduation celebration. Sadly it was the last one for LVCHS, a high school which graduated over 900 young men and women. Some parents of underclass students and the entire teaching staff felt the Lord’s lead to continue with the mission to provide a Christian secondary education option for families throughout the Valley. From that lead FCHS was established.
The formal efforts to begin FCHS began on June 23. Imagine trying to start a school in less than three months! That is what God has guided a small group of teachers, parents and alumni to do. Fortunately we retained the teachers: Mr. Sackey, Mr. Crush, Mrs. Brown and Miss Floyd. They bring an established curriculum and many years of teaching experience.
Our task appeared daunting, but far offsetting all the challenges has been the numerous times that God has providentially given solutions which we could never have imagined. We knew God was conducting all these activities when our first act was to help a sister Christian ministry gain forgiveness of a large debt. Allow me to briefly cite some of the other things that God has accomplished through the FCHS group: recruiting a dedicated Board of Directors, incorporating with the Commonwealth, gaining IRS tax status, developing numerous policies, setting a reasonable tuition level, preparing and distributing enrollment packets, opening a bank account, retaining a cadre of Christian teachers, finding a location for classes, filing for a certificate of occupancy with the city of Bethlehem, and receiving authorization from the Pennsylvania Department of Education. All these things were achieved after June 23. We are humbled and amazed by what God has accomplished and we look to Him to provide the increase needed.
Please pray for our efforts to serve the Lord as He establishes FCHS. The tasks before us seem overwhelming but we have already seen many remarkable and extraordinary results which we can only attribute to the Lord. We remain trusting and following His lead.